Wednesday, May 30, 2018

GSoC project progress: part one

An Initial note....

Alright, so first of all, I would like to apologize for not writing a proper blog post up till now. I had my Final examinations during the first week of the coding period and immediately after that, to catch up, I got so involved with the coding part that I forgot to share the progress of the project on the blog. On the positive side however, I have completed a lot of work. I can safely say that I have completed the goals that were set for phase 1 evaluations (possible style fixes may be left), but that’s not the entire good news. The phase two evaluations goal is also halfway done!

Now, I do realize that I have not shared any details of my project until now, and so, in this blog post, I’ll share a lot of important details and talk about everything that has been discussed and done so far. I promise to post more often after this, ‘cumulative’ post. Here goes...

The Project Idea....

If you've red the last blog post, you'd know that I plan to add something called a 'Command Line suggestion feature' to Octave and you may be wondering what that means. Basically this feature would do something like this...

Whenever the users make a typographic error while working on Octave's command window, the command line suggestion feature would suggest a correction to them and say something like "The command you entered was not recognized, did you mean any of the following...?"

Now I could share a detailed time-line explaining 'when' I plan to do 'what' but I believe that not everyone would be interested in reading that and so I'll skip that for now. Instead, I'll quickly talk about the following...
  • What the community wants the overall project to be like.
  • What are the challenging parts of the project.
  • What are my evaluation goals.
  • What discussions have been made, and
  • How much progress has been made.
If you really would like to see my time-line then just ask for it in the comments section and I'll share a link.

The Community Bonding Period...

By the time you finish reading this section, probably the only thing left to talk about would be "How much progress has been made". That is just a glimpse of how much the community has been involved in this project. It also shows how successful GNU Octave is as an open source community, not every open-source community is as open when it comes to discussions.

Now the first thing to understand is that this project is essentially a UX improvement, and as such, Octave is not bound by 'MATLAB compatibility issues'. This is one of the primary reasons why there was so much to discuss in the community bonding period. Here are the main points that summarize the collective decision of the community on what the overall project should be like:
  • First of all, it was decided that the user interface, or the part handling 'how this feature hooks itself to octave' should be well separated from how the 'suggestions are generated'. This need was realized, immediately after realizing the fact that there are a lot of algorithms available that could be used to generate suggestions. Separating the integration and generation part would allow us to make sure that, in future, if a faster or a more accurate algorithm to generate suggestions is discovered, replacing the existing implementation becomes easier.
  • Secondly, a few problems such as, a very large output layer size, and failure on dynamic package loading were found with my proposed Neural Networks, based approach. Therefore, we decided to use a well established approach called the Edit distance algorithm for now and the Neural Networks based approach will be the 'research part' of the project. Essentially, the plan is to first use 'smart implementations' of the good old Edit-distance algorithm to realize this feature and to research and see if a Neural Network could do better after that has been done. If later on, we realize that a Neural Network (or for that matter, any other approach), really could do better than the Edit-distance approach, the algorithm can be replaced very easily (thanks to the previous point).
  • Next, we decided to include keywords, functions, and graphic properties within the scope of this feature. Very short keywords, user variables, and internal functions will not be included in its scope. Deprecated functions would also be included in the scope for now. Essentially, corrections would be suggested for typos close to anything that is within the scope of this feature and would not be suggested for anything that isn't.
  • Also, we decided to use the missing_function_hook() to realize the integration part of this feature. More about this later in this post.
  • Lastly, we decided that it is absolutely necessary to include an 'on/off switch' type of command that would let the users decide whether they want to use this feature or not. We plan to use custom preference for now to do this.
That summarizes the most important discussions that took place and with that, we are in a position to talk about how the second point and the last point are directly related to what are the 'challenging parts of the project'. Let's start with that.

Essentially, the second point talks about the algorithm that will be used to generate the corrections that are ultimately going to be shown to the user. The challenging part is that this algorithm should provide a minimum speed-accuracy trade-off. I did know about the Edit-distance algorithm beforehand but I initially believed that a Neural Network would outperform it in terms of the speed accuracy trade-off. Discussing the idea with the community made me realize that there are some critical loopholes in the Neural Network based model and although they could definitely be improved with more research, I should not jeopardize the entire project just to proof that Neural Networks could do better. We therefore decided to do what I had described earlier in the second point.

At this point, defining a 'smart implementation' of Edit distance remains. Basically, Edit distance is a very accurate algorithm that quantifies how dissimilar two strings are. The only problem with it is its speed (my primary reason for initially proposing a trained Neural Network). Essentially, by a smart implementation of the algorithm, we mean an implementation which would maximize the computation speed by reducing the sample space, on which the algorithm has to work on. This would be done using some clever data management techniques and some probability based assumptions. Some discussions related to these were also done during the community bonding and since then, I have been looking at a lot of suggestion features of other free and open source softwares to device some clever techniques. Good progress has been made but I'll share that in another blog post.

The last point talks about a very important 'on/off' feature, the tricky part with this was that Octave comes in both a GUI and a CLI and so a common method that does the job could have been hard to find. However, this problem was solved with relative ease, and we decided to use custom preference to realize this part. This gave us a simple and common command to switch on/ switch off the feature.

These discussions led me to reset my term evaluation goals which are as follows now:-
  • Phase-1 goal: To code up and push an algorithm independent version of the suggestion feature into my public repository. Essentially this would show how this feature integrates itself with Octave.
  • Phase-2 goal: A development version of Octave with a working (but maybe bugged and surely undocumented) command line suggestion feature integrated into it.
  • Phase-3 goal: The primary goal would be to have a well documented, well tested and bug free command line suggestion feature. The secondary goal would be to research and try to produce a Neural Network based correction generation script that outperforms the edit distance algorithm.
...and that, marked the end of the major discussions and the community bonding period.

Progress made so far...

So far, I have coded up the phase-1 goal. The public repository can be seen here. It very well shows how we have used the missing_function_hook() to integrate the feature with octave. The following points summarize the working:
  • Essentially, whenever the parser fails to identify something as a valid octave command it calls the missing_function_hook() which points to an internal function file, '__unimplemented__.m'.
  • This file checks if whatever the user entered is a valid, unimplemented octave (core or forge) command or if it is a implemented command but belongs to an unloaded forge package. If yes, it returns an appropriate message to the user and if not, it does, or rather, used to, do nothing.
  • To realize the suggestion feature, I have extended its functionality to check for typographic errors whenever the command entered was not identified as a valid unimplemented/ forge command.
By using the missing_function_hook() the keywords and built-in functions were automatically bought into the scope of this feature. Graphic properties remain because there is no missing_property_hook() in octave right now. I have discussed this with the community and I'll try to code it up in the subsequent weeks.
Besides that I have also figured out how the Edit Distance algorithm can be made 'smart'. I'll push an update and write another blog post as soon I master and code up the entire thing. For now, thanks for reading, see you in the next post. :)

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