Tuesday, July 3, 2018

GSoC project progress: part three

The goal for the second evaluations was to code up a complete, working, command line suggestion feature that supports identifiers and graphic properties of core octave and all the octave forge packages. I am happy to say that this goal has been achieved and we do have a working suggestion feature now. The link to public repository where the code can be found is this.

If you haven't already, you should read my previous posts to find out what the community wanted the feature to look like and how much progress had been already made. You may need that to understand the contents of this post. In this post, I would like to talk about the additional work that has been done and the work that will be done in the days to come.

At the time of the first evaluations, one of my mentors, Nicholas, expressed how he would be interested in seeing how the rest of the project progresses, including the aspects related to user interface and maintainability of the code by other developers. I'd like to address these points first.

So the UI is relatively simple. You enter a misspelling and some suggestions are displayed. We could have tried adding some GUI pop-ups but I refrained myself from trying to do those. There were two primary reasons for that.
  • First reason is that a GUI pop-up looks very unpleasant when you are working on the CLI of Octave, but honestly, that is more of a personal opinion I suppose.
  • Second, and the more strong reason is that adding a GUI pop-up would have been a really complicated task due to the way octave handles errors and would have resulted in things like displaying of the "undefined near line..." error messages for the misspelled command, after the correct command has been executed. 
There are some other reasons as well which have been discussed with the members of the community before. Obviously we can try changing things later on, if we really want to, but as of now, suggestions are simply displayed and the user can just use the upward arrow key of their keyboard and edit the previous command to quickly correct their misspelling.

I have accounted for code maintainability as well. I moved a few pieces of code here and there (see commit log) and have made the feature in a way that . . . all the code related to the UI, or how the feature presents itself to the user is in a separate file (scripts/help/__suggestions__.m) and all the code related to the suggestion engine, that generates the possible corrections for the misspelled identifier is in a separate file (scripts/help/__generate__.m). A lot of comments have been included in the code and the code is simple enough to be red and understood by anyone who knows how the Octave or MATLAB programming language works. Another important point is that, all the graphic properties and identifiers of Octave core and forge with which a misspelling can be compared have been stored in a database file called func.db (examples/data/func.db). I had described this file in my in my previous post.

Maintainability shall be very easy due to such an implementation. If UI changes are required, major changes must be done only to the file __suggestions__.m. If the algorithm of the suggestion engine has to be changed, changing the code of the file __generate__.m shall be enough and if new identifiers are added to octave (something that will be constantly done), including them in the well organized database file (which can be very easily done with a load>edit>save) would be enough.

Now I'd like to describe the other tasks that have been done in this coding phase. These include adding the support for the remaining packages of Octave forge and adding support for the graphic properties.

Including the remaining packages of Octave forge was very easy, all I had to do was, fetch the list of identifiers, clean up the data a little, and include it in the database file.

The challenging part was adding the support for graphic properties. This was mainly because of the fact that it required me to write a C++ code for a missing_property_hook() function which had to be similar in architecture to the already existing, missing_function_hook() function.

In the codebase of Octave, missing_function_hook() is a function that points to a particular m-script which is called when an unknown command is encountered by the parser. Like I had described earlier, I had extended its functionality to trigger the suggestion feature when an unknown identifier was found. The missing_property_hook() had to do something similar, call a certain m-script when an unknown graphic property is encountered.

Rik helped a lot with this part and finally, I was able to code up a missing_property_hook() function which would trigger the suggestion feature when an unknown graphic property is encountered. Although, the code does what it is supposed to, I'd be honest here and say that this part is still a little black-box to me. I'd appreciate it if some other maintainer who is good with c++ and familiar with the code of the missing_function_hook() function would take a look at the missing_property_hook() function and point out or fix any issues that they find.

I'd like to mention that the suggestion feature differentiates between the levels of parsing, i.e. whether the trigger is an unknown property or an unknown command, by looking at the number of input arguments. The rest of the functionality is same.

With all these things done, I was able to realize a complete and working command line suggestion feature and complete the goal that was set for the phase two evaluations. Future work that had been planed for phase three of coding includes writing the documentation, writing some tests, fixing any and every bug that is reported, and seeing if I could use a better algorithm for the suggestion engine. An additional thing that I would like to do is to nicely wrap up the on/off button and other such user settings into a single m-script for better user experience.

Since the phase two work is done, I'll start working on these things that have been planned for phase three from tomorrow onwards. I'll publish another post when I make some more significant changes, till then, thank you for reading and goodbye.

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